ALI's Proposed Changes to Model Legislation Threaten Years of Progress in Sexual Exploitation Laws

A certain segment of American academics continue to get further and further away from real life and it’s a huge problem because they have outsized influence among decision makers. It’s also a bizarre-yet-fashionable trend to create more excuses for criminals—including those who commit egregious acts of sexual violence.  

Here’s an example of what NCOSE and our allies are up against… 

Research Spotlight: "Women's Experiences in Pornography Production in Sweden" (ICYMI)

This study provides insights about pathways into, experiences within, and barriers to exit from the pornography industry. 

Interviews with nine women in pornography production in Sweden found young age, financial insecurity, previous experiences of sexual violence, and poor mental health preceded entry into the pornography industry, similar to pathways to other forms of commercial sexual exploitation.

This study also demonstrates the common overlap between pornography and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation like prostitution, stripping, and sex trafficking. Women reported experiences of manipulation, coercion, and violence within the industry perpetrated by both pornographers and sex buyers.


EVENT: RSVP Now to Save Your Spot for the 2022 CESE Online Global Summit

The Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation (CESE) Online Global Summit creates a one-of-a-kind setting, where people from across sexual abuse and exploitation sectors, as well as from a diverse range of professional, political, and personal backgrounds, coalesce to be informed, equipped, connected and inspired.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to find common purpose with others who believe in preserving respect, intimacy, mutuality, responsibility, and love in human sexual relationships.

The Time to Build a World Free from Sexual Abuse and Exploitation is Right Now

Just six days left! In honor of our fiscal year ending June 30, a generous partner has offered to match all online gifts this month! Please give what you can today. We are very grateful for your partnership!

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