Dear John,
Earlier today, the Supreme Court released its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning the longstanding precedent established by Roe v. Wade. Like many Minnesotans, I am outraged and dismayed by this opinion. But rest assured, moving forward, I will do everything in my power to ensure access to women’s health care, codify Roe into law and preserve a woman’s right to be free to make her own health care decisions.
Read my statement on today’s decision:

Here's what else I've been working on this week:
Working Together to Reduce Gun Violence
Like most folks I talk to in the Second District, I believe my support for the Second Amendment goes hand-in-hand with doing everything I can to keep our children and communities safe from gun violence. That’s why, for the past several weeks, members of both parties have worked together to find common ground on this important issue. Read my statement on the bipartisan gun safety bill in Congress that passed the House today. The bill is now on its way to the President for his signature.
Pushing Hard to Lower Gas Prices
For months I’ve been advocating for a temporary federal and state gas tax holiday – which could lower prices at the pump by almost 50 cents per gallon in Minnesota. And this week, the President joined our call to Congress. President Biden has called on Congress to suspend the federal gas tax – and encouraged state leaders to do the same by adjusting statewide taxes as well. This could make an immediate and demonstrable impact on working families’ pocketbooks. Let’s continue to work to address the impact inflation is having on working families.
Toasting Minnesota Craft Brewers
Caught up with the Minnesota Craft Brewers Guild in Washington this week to talk about the ever-growing craft brew community in Minnesota – as well as how Congress can continue to support these great local businesses.
Meeting with the Future of Minnesota Agriculture
For decades, 4-H has helped expand agricultural education and skills for our young people. This week I met with some of these future leaders of Minnesota Agriculture in Washington!
Keeping our Promise to Veterans
Earlier this week, I helped pass the STRONG Veterans Act, a bipartisan bill to combat veteran suicide, address mental health challenges and help our nation meet its promise to those who risked their lives to protect this country. Among other provisions, our bipartisan bill improves training for employers at the VA, expands access for those who need care and provides outreach to veterans about the mental health resources that are available to them in their community.
Behind the Scenes in Washington:
This week is always a special one in the Capitol – the week when the winning pieces from the Congressional Art Competition are hung in the tunnel connecting the Capitol to the office buildings Members and staff work in. Here are this year's winners from the Minnesota delegation.
There’s a story to tell with my winner from this year. After the death of Representative Jim Hagedorn earlier this year, students from CD1 contacted my office to ask if they could submit their artwork to me since Rep. Hagedorn’s office seat was unfilled. I said yes – and I opened my office’s competition to the students in the First District as well as the Second so that young artists from every district would have a chance to participate.
When we asked folks to choose the best artwork submitted, the piece selected was created by Courtney, a student from the First District. It’s an honor to see the great talent across Minnesota – and especially her winning piece titled, Maya.
Another busy week in Washington has come to a close – and I am headed back to the district! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and wanted to remind you that there are some great community events – including a number of parades – this weekend!
Until next time,
Angie Craig
Member of Congress