As many of you have already seen, today the Supreme Court released its decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, overturning Roe v. Wade. Today’s news from the court is a devastating blow to reproductive rights and Americans’ freedom to make their own health care decisions. Make no mistake: today’s ruling is the direct result of Republicans’ unrelenting, decades-long, radical war on the right to an abortion.

In response to today’s decision, DNC Chairman Harrision and the DNC Caucus and Council Chairs released the following statement:

“Democrats, and the majority of Americans, believe women in this country have the right to make their own health care decisions. We will always be the party fighting for reproductive rights from statehouses to the halls of Congress.

Today’s Supreme Court decision is the culmination of a coordinated Republican effort to roll back reproductive rights. An ultra-conservative Supreme Court majority — in the face of 50-year-old precedent — has empowered MAGA Republicans across the country to further attack our fundamental freedoms.” 

The full statement can be read here. Additionally a joint statement from the DNC in coordination with the DSCC, DCCC, DGA, DAGA, DLCC, DMA can be read here.

“The stakes of November’s elections could not be higher – and voters will make their voices heard by standing with Democrats up and down the ballot.”

I also encourage you to join Democratic and reproductive justice movement leaders tonight, Friday June 24, at 8:30pm ET / 5:30pm PT to learn more about our national response, what can be done to defend choice, and how to get involved and take action no matter where you live. Please RSVP here to receive the Zoom link. 

Additionally, please make sure to visit to find ways to take action in your state.

Want to help out nationally? Check out these opportunities:

  • Sign up for a calls or text shift with the DNC’s National Distributed program here. 

  • As part of our Summer of Service, we are working with coalition partners on different service activities people can do to help out in their local communities. For more information on those, please click here or register to host your own event here.

  • Become a social ambassador with the DNC so you can share our message in a number of ways! 

  • If you’ve never used Greenfly before, sign up for a training that will be focused on reproductive rights. Sign up here.

  • Tell us why protecting reproductive rights is important to you! Make your voice heard — we want to uplift your authentic content on why protecting abortion access is critical for people across this country.

In solidarity,
Lottie Shackelford

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