Dear Friend,
It took them 50 years, but today the US
Supreme Court corrected a bad legal precedent that has lingered over
our country and resulted in a larger loss of life than all our wars
combined. Our system of justice has now properly recognized that our
constitution does not provide a constitutional right to an abortion.
Now we just need individual states to do their part to end abortion in
There will be a lot of heated words and
actions in the days, weeks, and possibly months ahead. If you are like
me, you are combatting false narratives about the meaning and impact
of the Dobbs decision within your
own friend and family circles. With that in mind, I offer a couple of
things to consider.
First, you don’t need the approval,
acceptance, or validation of those who disagree with you on this
issue. If you support this decision and you stand for human life, you
are against killing humans that have heartbeats and feel pain. You are
on God’s side and you should never make apologies or feel guilt for
Second, if you wish to help educate
others on how the science has changed since the Roe v
Wade decision in 1973 or other elements of
the Dobbs decision and the abortion
issue in general, review the great content available at: www.sbaprolife.org
Susan B. Anthony Pro Life America is our
country’s leading voice for the protection of the unborn. Their
leadership on this issue is a primary reason why we had this
tremendously positive development on an issue we’ve been fighting five
decades to correct.
Though you would never know it by
watching the news or from what you see in your social media, the
majority of our country agrees with us on our belief that abortion is
not a protected right. It’s great that the Supreme Court finally
agrees with us too. Now the real work begins.
Fight on,
Restoration of America
