Abortion is care, full stop.
Today’s Supreme Court decision will make life more difficult and dangerous for so many. It will put more strain on our broken care systems and take away an essential form of care so many of us rely on.
Here’s how you can take action right now:
Let’s be clear: Abortion will still be legal in some states like California and New York but states now have the choice to deny it as a right. It’s projected* about half of the states in the U.S. will quickly move to deny access for those in need.
When states ban abortion, low-income and working class people, people living in rural areas, Black people, queer people, disabled people, and immigrants suffer the most. Anti-choice legislation infringes on all of our autonomy and perpetuates the inequities that already exist in healthcare and society.
Access to safe, legal abortion is a vital form of care, and this decision will put millions at tremendous risk. Like all care decisions, people should be able to make choices that are right for them.
We need to rise up now more than ever. It’s essential we take this moment to fight back for access to safe, accessible, legal abortion care. Everybody must have the ability to decide how to care for themselves.

Our nation is made of people who need care. We need national paid leave, universal childcare and long-term care, AND abortion access. Unfortunately, this decision can impact more than just abortion rights. Roe is tied to many freedoms involving privacy, bodily autonomy, and familial relationships — including gay marriage.
This decision threatens our basic freedoms — and we need to fight like hell to protect each other.
In Solidarity and with Care,
Ai-jen Poo, Executive Director
Caring Across Generations
PS — We’re postponing the fundraising campaign scheduled for next week. Please take a moment today to donate to an abortion fund.