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SCOTUS Headline
Breaking News

John – this morning, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

This decision is historic, and decades in the making. For the first time in nearly 50 years, states will be able to protect innocent life – and a new generation will have an opportunity to experience the American Dream free from the threat of abortion.

Mississippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch fought to take the Dodd case all the way to the Supreme Court – in the face of frenzied opposition from the radical left hell-bent on perpetuating unlimited abortion-on-demand through birth.

Republican Attorneys General continued fighting, urging our Justices to restore the Constitution by returning abortion policy back to states and our voters.

Today, life won.

John, can you rush a contribution before midnight to celebrate this monumental decision and support Attorneys General on the frontlines for life?


Despite this tremendous victory, the fight for life is far from over. Democrats are furious, and are doubling down on efforts to replace Rule of Law Attorneys General with liberal activists in this November's elections.

These battles to protect the unborn will now take place at the state level, where the courageous conservative leadership of Republican Attorneys General has never been more critical.

Click here to contribute $10 today to aid our fight to defeat the radical left and restore the Rule of Law.

Every donation will help Republican Attorneys General combat the Democrats' pro-abortion agenda and stand tall for life.

Life is winning again in America. Thank you for joining our cause!

– Team RAGA

Paid For By The Republican Attorneys General Association

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