June 24, 2022
Dear Neighbor, Everyone should have the freedom to make decisions about their own body. I am horrified that today, the Supreme Court reversed nearly 50 years of precedent and overturned our constitutional right to privacy and bodily autonomy. This decision has triggered immediate abortion bans in 13 states - often with no exceptions for rape and incest.
This news is gut-wrenching. If you’re feeling betrayed, me too. I am disgusted by the plans that Republican lawmakers have laid out to impose a federal ban on abortion care and how they plan to use this decision to overturn other legal precedents that protect our civil rights. As these Republican lawmakers move their extreme agenda forward, our lives will change radically, even those of us in states like Illinois. Everything from who we can marry, to which Americans are protected from illegal discrimination are now at risk. But We, the people, can take action.
I will continue to champion legislation that protects access to a full range of health services, including reproductive care. The Women’s Health Protection Act, which I proudly voted to pass in the House in September 2021, would protect reproductive freedoms for all Americans. We need to send it to the president’s desk to ensure everyone has access to safe abortion care.
We must keep moving forward, not backward. And together, We will fight this every step of the way.