
It feels like practically every time we reach out, it's to share bad news — of another GOP party boss kowtowing to Trump and disenfranchising voters like we saw yesterday in the state of Georgia — or of the president once again putting his cronies' financial interests over American farmers and industry, disrespecting our intelligence community, or damaging our country's reputation on the world stage.

Well, today I'm writing you with good news! We just got word that in Tennessee, the Republican Secretary of State there rejected pressure from the Trump cult to keep viable Republican primary challengers like Joe off the ballot. That means that unlike in the nearly dozen states where state party bosses have succeeded in disenfranchising voters, Tennessee voters will be able to go to the polls to support Joe on Super Tuesday.

John, I really believe this is another sign we're making progress. We're finally getting through to Republicans in power who are waking up to how everyday American voters like us feel about how much we need a course correction. They're starting to listen because the bravery of supporters like you is enabling them to be brave too in standing up to Trump. With another series of ballot access deadlines looming in the next few weeks, I have faith that momentum is on our side.

Can you help us keep this momentum going? Whatever you can give, even if it's just 50 bucks or less, can be the difference in getting Joe's message out if we all come together to make it happen.

Thank you, as always. With your help, I hope to write you again very soon with more good news!




Thank you so much for being brave and standing up for the future of our country! We know we send a lot of emails — it's because this movement is powered by grassroots supporters like you and it's so important that we work together to defeat Donald Trump. But we still understand if you'd prefer not to recieve them anymore.

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