Catholic Relief Services
Michael Stulman/CRS
Walking a mile for a drink of water
Something amazing happened in a West African fourth-grade class last month. 
Everyone played during recess, and no one had to miss school to walk more than a mile to fetch water for their families. A clean water initiative by Catholic Relief Services, supported by people like you, provides the children with water at school. This newfound access to clean water is having a lasting impact on their entire community.
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“To live charitably means not looking out for our own interests, but carrying the burdens of the weakest and poorest among us.”
—Pope Francis via Twitter
Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. We strive to alleviate suffering by assisting people in need in more than 100 countries, without regard to race, religion or nationality.
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Photo: Michael Stulman/CRS