We need to enshrine the right to choose into federal law.

The day we’ve feared for so long is here: The Supreme Court just overturned Roe v. Wade, removing nationwide protection of the right to choose.

If you’re feeling mad as hell right now, I’m there with you. It’s hard not to feel angry and overwhelmed at this moment.

The Court’s radical majority has eviscerated nearly half a century of legal precedent, but the Court won’t have the last word. I believe the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion should be between a woman and her doctor no matter her zip code, period.

Colorado is a safe haven for women seeking reproductive health care, and I fight every day to uphold our values of individual liberty. But the GOP frontrunner trying to unseat me, Ron Hanks, tried to ban abortions in our state, and the other GOP candidate said he would’ve voted to confirm the exact Supreme Court Justices who just overturned Roe.

We need to enshrine the right to choose into federal law. No matter where you live, your health care decisions are yours alone.

If you agree that the right to choose is a private and personal decision between a woman and her doctor that we must protect, add your name today.


Thank you,
