Hi John,​

Sorry that the video was missing from our last email. You can view it on Vimeo or on our Rapid Advocate homepage. While we're here, I wanted to give heads up that we're almost halfway toward our Giving Tuesday goal of $5,000! If you haven't donated yet, don't miss this opportunity to double your impact with our Giving Tuesday gift matching.


Check out this short video on why Rapid Bus service matters

Without fast transit, it takes Sara an hour and a half each way to get to her internship.

Without a car, David is limited to where Muni goes in a reasonable amount of time.

Without accessible transit, Selena may not be able to afford to live in San Francisco.

Rapid buses arrive every ten minutes or less. They use dedicated lanes and transit signal priority so your bus is never stopped in traffic. For people like Sara, David, and Selena, rapid service is not just about convenience; better transit is life-changing.

San Franciscans need buses they can depend on. San Francisco Transit Riders is making it happen, but only with your support, and support from our sponsors who will double your contribution!

Giving Tuesday donations matched by our generous sponsors:

Thea Selby
Peter Straus
Daniel Sisson
Rachel Hyden

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341  | San Francisco, California 94119
(415) 323-6363 | [email protected]

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