In light of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, we're doubling down on our support for abortion rights and bodily autonomy. Chip in $3 right now to stand with us as we stand up for the right to abortion nationwide.

The Supreme Court decision comes as the culmination of a decades-long assault on abortion rights, as anti-choice extremists passed draconian laws the state level while stacking courts at the federal level.

Here's the truth: anti-choice extremists have demonstrated for years that they are willing to stop at nothing to get what they want. They'll stall the legislative process. They're happy when gerrymandering means electing more extremists. And they'll undermine long-standing constitutional norms and the separation of powers.

Here in NY-03, we're facing a dyed-in-the-wool MAGA ideologue who doesn't believe in the fundamental right to an abortion or a woman's right to make decisions about her own body.

It's this kind of anti-abortion extremism that we're up against this election.

So please, donate $3 now. Too much is at stake to sit on the sidelines this year.

More to come,


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