Dear fellow progressive,
It's still #GivingTuesday until midnight, and we really need your help so the sun won't set on The Progressive's more than 100 year history of independent journalism.
At The Progressive, we are especially thankful for readers like you. Readers who help us keep our publication resilient and who also understand the importance that financial and editorial independence brings to this storied magazine.
I hope that you will consider joining us with your support today.
If you believe that hard-hitting progressive journalism is essential to our democracy, please make a gift today.
As a token of our appreciation, if you donate $50.00 or more, we will mail you your very own Fighting Bob Bobblehead as a thank-you!
With gratitude,
Norman Stockwell
P.S. Would you like to make an even deeper impact? You can become a monthly sustainer today and you will receive our bi-monthly printed and digital editions free of charge.