CNBC: Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending 50 years of federal abortion rights.

Hi friends,

We've been holding our breath for the last few weeks, and it has finally happened.

After nearly 50 years, the Supreme Court has announced its decision to strike down the landmark ruling of Roe v. Wade, effectively taking away the right to choose – meaning access to safe and legal abortions is now up to state governments and legislatures.

This decision is devastating to many communities across the country, especially in states like Wisconsin, one of 13 states with a pre-Roe trigger law on the books. This over 100-year-old law automatically bans abortions now that Roe is no longer in effect, per the Supreme Court's decision. As a result, millions across Wisconsin have lost a fundamental right.

Abortion is healthcare. We all deserve the right to decide what happens with our bodies, and it's not the Supreme Court's decision to make.

This ruling does not mean that our fight is over. We will continue to make sure that we do everything we can to protect abortion rights in our state. Now, more than ever, we must stand together to reverse this ruling. Join us and split a donation between my campaign and Planned Parenthood to support our fight for reproductive freedom. >>>

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We cannot count on Bryan Steil to do the right thing: to fight to codify Roe and petition the state legislature to remove these anti-abortion laws in Wisconsin. He is a coward on this issue – and on so many more – and we cannot trust him to protect our reproductive rights.

I always have and will always support the right to choose. And I am working hard to make sure that we kick Bryan Steil out of office this November. He is not the leader we need to represent us, and it's clear that he does not care to do so. What we are fighting for is bigger than this one election. Our district and our state need a leader who believes in access to safe and legal abortion care and who will not stop advocating until those rights are protected in Wisconsin.

I will be that leader.

When I get to Congress, I will not be afraid to address our most pressing issues and pass progressive legislation that will protect our rights, reproductive and otherwise.

But today, we support each other through this devastating news. Tomorrow, we continue fighting to protect the right to choose.

I ask that you split a donation between my campaign and Planned Parenthood, one of the pillars of reproductive healthcare and advocacy across the country. They need all the support they can get right now, and I need to stay on track to kick Bryan Steil out of office so we have a chance at protecting the right to choose in Congress. >>> I hope that you can give yourself space and lean on your communities today. It's a difficult moment for all of us, but we are in this together and we can get through this.

– Ann Roe