Hi John,
Today is a monumental day in our nation’s history: Roe v. Wade has been OFFICIALLY overturned!
I am filled with joy – and with immense thanks. For half a century, champions of life like you have worked and prayed for this moment to come. I am grateful for your faithfulness and the steadfast way you stand for preborn children and their families. And most importantly, I am thankful to the Lord for this incredible, lifesaving ruling.
I recorded a special video message for you about this decision and invite you to take a moment to watch it.

The fight for life is far from over, and there is still work to be done to protect all innocent preborn children from abortion. We cannot and will not stop until abortion is unthinkable and unnecessary.
I also want to remind you that we will be discussing the Dobbs decision during our town hall webinar Monday, 6/27 at 7PM CST. I hope you can join us using the following link: www.humancoalition.zoom.us/j/83909159586
Let’s keep pressing on!
God Bless,
Jeff Bradford