
I am proud to be an American.

After graduating from college, I spent time in Kabul, Afghanistan serving as an aid worker for women’s rights. I became passionate about democracy, human rights, and America’s ability to be a force for good in the world. 

In those moments, it never occurred to me that any American leader would be cruel enough to abandon these women. Yet, that’s exactly what Joe Biden did.

So, during the disastrous military withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, I fought to help dozens of the young girls I once taught escape the brutal Taliban regime. 

This cruelty from Joe Biden has served to harden my commitment to American values, and this Tuesday, I’m running in a primary where I’m the only one running who has the guts to do what we need to do to FLIP THIS SEAT for the Republicans! You see, this is a seat Republicans must win to Take Back The House and hold Joe Biden accountable for the atrocities he committed in Afghanistan. 

I know we can pull off an incredible victory, but just like my time in Afghanistan taught me, I can’t finish this mission without you fighting beside me.

So, please - before Tuesday - will you pitch in now so we can TAKE BACK THE HOUSE with conservative veterans who will lead America back to greatness?
Thank you in advance for your support!

Esther Joy King