Defend Alaska’s Bristol Bay from Pebble Mine

Dear John,

I wanted to check-in and make sure you saw my earlier message about the Pebble Mine's threat to destroy Alaska’s Bristol Bay. If built, this massive, open-pit mine will poison the watershed with over 10.2 billion tons of toxic mine waste, devastating one of the last great salmon runs on Earth.

After two decades, we’re so close to meaningful protection for this irreplaceable and invaluable treasure. 

Save Bristol Bay and tell EPA to stop the Pebble Mine for good!

In Solidarity, 

Bonnie Gestring
Northwest Program Director, Earthworks


Dear John,

For over 20 years, the Pebble Mine has threatened to destroy Alaska’s Bristol Bay. If built, this massive, open-pit mine will poison the watershed with over 10.2 billion tons of toxic mine waste, devastating one of the last great salmon runs on Earth.  

Bristol Bay is more than just home for the world’s largest wild salmon fishery. It’s the lifeline for the people of Bristol Bay and all those who depend on its bounty.  

Now, the EPA is taking public comment on a plan to protect Bristol Bay by restricting mine waste dumping in Bristol Bay’s headwaters, and they need to hear from you today!  After two decades, we’re so close to meaningful protection for this irreplaceable and invaluable treasure. 

Save Bristol Bay and tell EPA to stop the Pebble Mine for good!

Together we can end this threat and stop the Pebble Mine for good.

In Solidarity,

Bonnie Gestring
Senior Policy Advocate, Earthworks

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