John, the court just released their decision.
They’ve officially overturned Roe v. Wade.
This marks an important day in the fight for life but being pro-life isn’t a one-day-a year-thing–it’s an everyday commitment to protecting the life of the mother and child BEFORE and AFTER birth.
That’s why one of the core tenants of my campaign is FAMILY.
Strong united families will help foster that life, but the left doesn’t want to talk about that. We must always protect the life of the mother and child both before and after birth. These pro-abortionists have no limitations.
We have families unable to find formula for their babies while struggling with the rising prices on everything from gas to groceries. That’s not pro-life or pro-family–it’s an attack on American families.
The Supreme Court went back to the Constitution and has put this decision in the hands of the people. The fight for life has just begun.
The left doesn’t care about life before or after birth. They are already hard at work putting extremist initiatives on the ballot here in Michigan and in other states as they work toward their goal of on demand abortion up until birth.
Don’t let them—help me stand up for babies, women and families by taking back the majority this November >>
Thank you,
John James