Today is a sad day, JOHN. Roe v. Wade, a 50 year-old landmark protection for women and their right to choose and their right to privacy, has officially been struck down by the United States Supreme Court.

While we can take the day to be upset and frustrated at this senseless decision that is both extremely harmful to women and ignores sound legal precedent, we must not give up. We have so much work to do to ensure women in Michigan and around the country aren’t criminalized for exercising their basic rights.

Now, Michigan has an old law on the books in our state that dates back to 1931 and makes abortion a felony, even in the case of rape or incest. This ruling means that is the law of the land in Michigan once again. My opponent, John James, is in favor of banning abortion even in the case of incest and rape nationwide.

Extremists on this issue must not be given the chance to go to Congress and ban a woman’s right to choose across America. Over 67% of Michiganders support this right and we absolutely cannot afford to go backward anymore.

I pledge to you, that as your representative in Washington, I will do everything in my power to protect a woman’s right to choose.

So if you’re tired, frustrated, feeling defeated… use how you feel right now to get back to the fight. We need you.

Now is the time to rise up and work to elect folks that will work to guarantee this right once again in Congress. I’m prepared to do the work necessary to protect the reproductive rights of women in the 10th District, in Michigan, and in the United States of America.

If you’re willing to help me defeat John James’ extreme ideas and fight for women in Washington please consider making a contribution to my campaign through this link:

Thank you for your time. Now let’s get to work.

– Carl Marlinga

Carl is running for Congress in Michigan's 10th District. A lifelong Michigander, former prosecutor, former Probate Judge, and former Circuit Court Judge, Carl has the temperament, experience, and understanding of our district's issues to revitalize our economy and deliver for his constituents.

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Marlinga for Congress
155 S. Main #46232
Mt. Clemens, MI 48046

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