I'm excited to announce that the City of Long Beach and our Office
of Youth Development are launching two grant opportunities to help
young people in our city most impacted by COVID-19, chronic health
conditions, crime and poverty. This program is funded by Measure US
which voters in our city approved in 2020 and is already being used to
invest in our environment and our next generation.
You can find more information on these programs and apply for
funding here.
The two grant opportunities launching are:
The Youth 100 Fund which will provide mini-grants of
between $500 and $2,000 to groups working in our community to advance
youth engagement. These include opportunities for both formal
non-profits and informal groups like student, parent and neighborhood
- And The Midsize Learning Community which will
provide $10,000 for single organizations and $25,000 for
collaborations between organizations working to advance the goals of
the City's Youth and Emerging Adults Strategic Plan — especially
physical, mental and emotional health, planning for the future,
community care, and transportation.
In addition to these grant opportunities, we will be offering
additional funding to support youth in Long Beach through our Health
Department by the end of this summer. I'm grateful to the Nonprofit
Partnership which is helping to manage the distribution of these
grants and to Long Beach voters for choosing to make this strong
investment in our future.
Thank you and Go Long Beach,
Mayor Robert Garcia