Action Alert

URGENT: Stop Biden’s LGBT Agenda in Schools! 

Today, on the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, the Biden Department of Education proposed a federal rule that will redefine “sex” in Title IX policies to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” in national education policies.  

50 years ago, Title IX was written so that women and girls would have more opportunities in sports. But today, the Biden Administration is using the federal rulemaking process to take away those opportunities from women and girls and force the LGBT agenda in every public school- kindergarten through college. 


If this rule is enacted, the Department of Education will use the power of the Federal Government to: 

  • Force girls to compete with males in girls’ sports. 

  • Force girls to share showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms with males. 

  • Force girls to give up scholarships to males who compete in girls’ athletic competitions. 

  • Potentially further the LGBT agenda in public school curriculum.    

In the wake of a biological male winning the NCAA Women’s Championship, the Biden administration wants to force every female student-athlete to be subject to the same situation, potentially losing countless sports, academic, and scholarship opportunities -- not to mention the violations of privacy -- and even danger -- in intimate spaces.  

Texas parents do not stand for this! Our state is currently fighting pornographic library books in school libraries, sexualized drag queen shows for children in Dallas, and a male student using a female locker room in Round Rock.  

This rule comes from the same administration that deployed the FBI to investigate your community because parents are standing up and speaking out against gender theory, critical race theory, and government mandates at their local school board meetings.  

But your voice can make a difference! Please submit a public comment opposing this dangerous rule! Tell the Department of Education you STRONGLY OPPOSEANY CHANGES in their education policies that redefine “sex” to include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”  

We’ve provided some comments for you to use, but the more personalized you can make your comments, the better!  

For example: 

Tell the Dept. of Education how this will impact your daughter or family. 

Tell the Dept. of Education how this policy violates privacy and opportunities for women. 

Tell the Dept. of Education how this will impact students and teachers. 

Tell the Dept. of Education how this issue will impact athletes. 

Tell the Dept. of Education how biological males entering women’s facilities in your state or community has impacted you.  

Tell the Dept. of Education how redefining sex in Title IX defeats the purpose of providing opportunities for women. 

We encourage you to share this information with your family and friends-every comment make a difference!  

 Thank you for using your voice to protect children! 

 For America’s girls,

Texas Values 



Thanks to a generous friend of Texas Values Action, all donations through June will be matched. Please help us #SaveWomensSports!

Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2021 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.


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(512) 478-2220
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