No War On Christmas In Japan!; Save the Date! Help Us Meet Our Goal for a $5,000 Matching Grant!, etc. (55 items, 12/02/2019)


In first place: Public School Demographics By State: The Great Replacement In Action? In nearly half the country, 4th grade public schools are minority white. An alarming visual reminder that our children are suffering The Great Replacement now. How do we stop it? Immigration Moratorium.

Alan Wall’s SAID IN SPANISH is always popular, this edition enjoying second place this week. Is it because of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s weird praise of former Mexican president Vicente Fox (who was very anti-Terminator in 2003 but forget about that…)? Or because of current president AMLO’s actually-racist pension disbursement plan?

Up next, Hillary Clinton would be pleased to know an article about her is in third place this week since she, not Donald Trump, has Narcissistic Personality Disorder! Lance Welton summarizes the perspectives of several psychologists who notice, as Peter Brimelow did in 2017, that Clinton is high in neuroticism. “What Happened?”

In fourth, Andy Ngo: “Data Shows That American Left-Wing White People Are The Only Group Who View Their Own Race Negatively” a phenomenon the source, Zach Goldberg of TabletMag, calls “very recent, and unprecedented.”

Finally, Ann Coulter is back in the top five with “Thanksgiving For Dummies… Sorry, I mean College Professors!” We mean it when we say we hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Featured Articles

Sunday December 01, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

DERB'S NOVEMBER DIARY: "Intellectual Conformity Is Adaptive"; Chinese Eugenics; The New Derb Dog; ETC. [10 ITEMS]

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Author Lance Welton

MSM Wrong Again! Hillary Clinton, Not Donald Trump, Has Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Friday November 29, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

Announcing VDARE.com’s Year End Appeal and 20th Anniversary Celebration

Friday November 29, 2019

Author Chanda Chisala

Reply To Lance Welton: Why Do Blacks Outperform Whites in UK Schools?

Thursday November 28, 2019

Author Hedley Wight

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Happy Thanksgiving: We Know There's A War On Thanksgiving, Because SALON Has Denied It!

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Peter Brimelow: Erika Lee’s Hymn Of Hate Against White America

Tuesday November 26, 2019

Author Faith Goldy

“It’s Now Or Never”—Faith Goldy On Her New “National Question” Video Series For VDARE.com

Monday November 25, 2019

Author Allan Wall

SAID IN SPANISH: Colombia Erupts; Schwarzenegger And Fox; AMLO’s Race-Based Pension Plan; Pirates Of The Gulf Of Mexico; ETC. [FOUR ITEMS]

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