The US Supreme Court has just struck down a New York law that requires people to demonstrate good cause in order to get a concealed-carry permit for a handgun.

This law has kept New Yorkers safe for decades. But the Supreme Court, stacked with three new justices appointed by Donald Trump – the NRA's close ally – has now decided that they know what's best for New Yorkers.

Make no mistake: This decision makes New Yorkers less safe.

Enough is enough. It's time for Congress to act on guns. The legislation currently working its way through the Senate is a good start, and it will save lives, but it's not enough.

We must have universal background checks. We must require safe storage of guns. We must ban assault weapons — weapons of war designed to obliterate human bodies — from our streets. We must stand up to the gun lobby and the gun industry, and act to save lives.

This race, right here in New York, will be one of the handful that decides who controls Congress – and our Republican opponent refuses to support any of these critical steps to make New Yorkers, and all Americans, safer.

Can you donate right now, ahead of our critical June 30th fundraising deadline, and help us build our grassroots organizing power this summer?

More to come,


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