
In my opening remarks at last week’s state convention, I informed thousands of assembled delegates and guests in the audience that the Republican Party of Texas is done playing defense – it’s time to go on offense.
We can’t settle for achieving a few legislative victories, then sit back, proud and content while being a speed bump on the road to socialism. Instead, we must take the fight directly to the Left by going on offense. This means using our state majority to define the debate. This means influencing public opinion instead of following the polls. This means being proactive in passing legislation to promote strong families, free speech, border security, public safety, and a free economy.

It is up to us to mobilize, organize, and unify around a singular goal: preserving the American dream for our children. I am calling on every freedom-loving Texan to join us in this fight. Are you ready to take back our country from the Radical Left in 2022? Join us!
America is more than a country. America is opportunity. America is freedom. America is prosperity. America is family. America is hope. And America is none of this without Texas.

Democrats have a very different and incompatible vision for our nation’s future. We need to be a bold and unapologetic conservative party ready to go on offense and win the fight to save America.
In November, a RED WAVE will sweep across Texas. The Republican Party of Texas will fight alongside patriotic Americans to make sure our victory truly means something. It all starts here. Together, we will Defend Texas and Save America. Are you with us?

Defending Texas and Saving America,

Matt Rinaldi
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas

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P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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