Thank you, truly, to everyone who supported this campaign—in particular, Jonathan Mindes, my de facto campaign manager, without whom I would never have achieved as much as I did, and my family (my mother, Nancy, father, Jerry, and brothers, Jim and Scott), without whom I never would have even had the courage to run. I also want to thank Boomie Aglietti, Nate Bryans and Ragnar Bloom for their unwavering support and editorial assistance; Mike Miller, Joyce Ni and Gabriel Avila for their help with the website and translation; Sharif Nakhleh and Elie Khadra for their work, with Jonathan, on our campaign video; Ahmed Darwish and his Living Organism Project ( for his encouragement and counsel; and Roma Frey for her support and guidance. And, of course, a big thank you to all of our donors and supporters.