Last week you heard from my colleague Mary Theroux as she explained how the Independent Institute is forging ahead to honor the legacy of liberty left by David Theroux.
America needs this legacy, because millions of Americans are confused and puzzled by what seems to have gone awry in our land. They know that the American system of ordered liberty under law has been the basis for freedom, prosperity, and decency, and they don’t understand why elite opinion-leaders seem determined to deride it.
Americans are also troubled by the vast projects of central government control that have been pursued in the name of a public health crisis ... the kind of controls long sought by self-proclaimed “progressive” experts. When these controls were largely implemented, they had minimal overall public health benefit, and many unintended consequences that the experts apparently didn’t foresee. Then, of course, the central government has borrowed multiple trillions of dollars to spend on “helping” Americans during this crisis. But the resulting torrent of inflation is doing the greatest harm to the least-secure Americans—the very ones that the big spending was supposed to benefit.
The Independent Institute faithfully explains these pathologies and sets forth solutions.
We specialize in research, not rant; that is, in the careful gathering of evidence which then powers our advocacy of moral and economic common sense—by which I mean the perennial virtues of sound money, constitutionally-limited government, and personal responsibility exercised by persons who know they are accountable to a timeless morality that transcends themselves and encompasses past and future generations.
As you know, the Independent Institute stands up for lawful liberty, no matter what direction its enemies come from. We consistently point toward nonpartisan liberty-oriented solutions that many people haven’t considered—solutions that are increasingly appealing as people realize that so-called progressive nostrums just don’t work.
As we have one week left in our fiscal year, will you join me in considering how you can help us finish strong for liberty?
Thank you for standing with us.
With best wishes,
Graham H. Walker
Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621
(510) 632-1366