Illinois e-News Release
June 23, 2022
Krista Lisser (217) 670-9283
SPRINGFIELD, Il – The Illinois Department of Agriculture has resumed its
grain and livestock market news audio reports. These reports offer third-party analysis and reporting of grain and livestock markets from across Illinois in an audio version available for download. The Office of Market News publishes prices and market analysis for corn, soybeans, wheat, cattle, and hogs, as well as bi-weekly price comparisons of statewide production and input costs.
“For over 50 years, Market News has been a neutral outside third party contact to establish accurate market information. Illinois producers and agribusiness professionals have long utilized IDOA Market News reports as an information resource in making they’re operations and businesses successful,” said Illinois Department of Agriculture Director, Jerry Costello II. “The Department maintains a high degree of trust and confidentiality with its private sector partners who provide the data utilized in the Market News reports. With that, we feel our reporting represents a true market picture of Illinois agriculture,” Costello added.
Market News will be offering twice daily audio livestock market reports at 12 and 4 p.m. The Illinois grain audio report will also be available daily at 4 p.m. Both print and audio Market News reports are posted on the IDOA Website under the Consumers/Market News tab. Media outlets interested in utilizing the Market News audio reports may request download permission by contacting the Office of Market News at 217- 524-1083 or by emailing Jim Raftis at
[email protected].
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