From Jonathan Greenblatt - ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject REPORT: How safe are you online?
Date June 23, 2022 6:08 PM
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Dear John,

How safe are you online?

Social media platforms are vital online spaces where much of our public discourse takes place, so we get to the essence of this key question with thousands of Americans each year in an
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annual survey of hate and harassment online by the ADL Center for Technology and Society.

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The results in 2022 show that hate and harassment remain at alarming levels. Forty percent of all those surveyed, and nearly half (47%) of American teens, report that they have experienced some form of online harassment. The rates are even higher for those in marginalized groups including Jews, women and people of color. A staggering 72 percent of marginalized youth report being harassed because of an aspect of their identity. The sharpest rise in online harassment was reported by Asian Americans; nearly twice as many reported experiencing it than in last year’s survey.

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We also surveyed exposure to controversial content, especially content rooted in hate such as COVID conspiracy theories, tropes about Jewish economic and political power and Holocaust denial.

It&rsquo;s clear that social media companies are nowhere near where they need to be when it comes to reducing the hate and harassment that plague their platforms.


This kind of hate-based harassment can drive people out of online spaces where they no longer feel safe or welcome. Among adults who either experienced harassment or were worried about being harassed, 20% reported feeling anxious or having trouble sleeping and concentrating, and 13% struggled with more severe mental health outcomes such as depressive or suicidal thoughts.

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Children are not immune to the impact of online hate and harassment. For many, being harassed causes serious, lasting harm affecting their mental or emotional health and their everyday behaviors. Online harassment can also spill over offline &mdash; 22% reported being harassed in person based on information about them online.


For things to get better, we need tech companies to prioritize people over profit, we need government action to promote this and to hold the platforms accountable, and we need you and other concerned people to make a difference by speaking out.

Your voice matters, so please
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sign the ADL Backspace Hate petition to tell your lawmakers to support victims and targets of online hate and harassment. Thanks to the activism of the ADL community, Backspace Hate bills have already been introduced or passed in a number of states. And if you encounter hate on social or gaming platforms, our
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Cyber Safety Action Guide can tell you how to report it; many tech companies rely on individual reporting to alert them to hate.

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Thank you for speaking out against online hate as part of the ADL community.

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Read the Online Hate and Harassment Report

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

P.S. [
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ADL Special Event ] In recent weeks, an anonymous group released &ldquo;The Boston Mapping Project,&rdquo; a graphic website that depicts what they claim is a conspiracy of &ldquo;Zionism, Policing and Empire&rdquo; throughout Massachusetts, drawing on antisemitic conspiracy theories about Jewish power, wealth and control and calling to &ldquo;dismantle and disrupt&rdquo; Jewish and other organizations. Please join us on Wednesday, June 29th at 7 pm ET / 4 pm PT for a national webinar from ADL&rsquo;s Jewish Outreach & Partnerships team about this; we&rsquo;ll be joined by the U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts, ADL New England, and experts from the ADL Center on Extremism.
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