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June 23, 2022
A new survey from ADL looking at the experiences of different communities found that LGBTQ+ respondents were more likely than any other group surveyed to experience online hate and harassment. With Pride month in full swing, extremists are making news by targeting LGBTQ+ events, groups and people, including in Idaho, California and Texas. The Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday against restrictions excluding religious schools from programs that allow public funding of private schools, further blurring the line between separation of church and state.
Read on for more on these headlines, news you can use to fight hate and the latest info about ADL from around the country.
LGBTQ+ Community, Jews, Teenagers Inundated with Hate and Harassment Online
“LGBTQ+ respondents were more likely than any other group surveyed to experience harassment: 66% versus 38%. More than half – 53% – attributed the harassment to their sexual orientation.” USA Today:
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READ: Online Hate and Harassment -- The American Experience 2022
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Jonathan Greenblatt tweet: The new @ADL report shows that hate-based harassment remains high, disproportionately harming the most marginalized in our communities. Online hate is widespread – and despite what tech companies claim, scale is not the primary problem. #StopHateForProfit
Pride Events Targeted in Surge of Anti-LGBTQ Threats, Violence
“Extremism researchers have long warned of an escalating risk as hard-right Republicans and militant groups portray LGBTQ people as ‘groomers’ targeting children, along with other baseless smears.” The Washington Post:
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ADL Blog: Extremists Target LGBTQ+ Community During Pride Month
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Jonathan Greenblatt tweet: As seen in Idaho, #LGBTQ+ ppl continue to face very real threats. We see it online in the form of increased cyber harassment & in the physical world in bias-motivated acts of hate & violence. Ppl should be able to live w/o fear regardless of who they are.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Restrictions on Public Funding of Religious Schools
“Carson v. Makin hinged on a Maine law that provided families in rural areas without local public schools with funding to attend private schools or nearby public schools, but excluded ‘sectarian’ schools. The court struck down this restriction in a 6-3 decision authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, with the court’s three liberals dissenting.” Jewish Insider:
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ADL tweet: We're deeply disturbed by today's #SCOTUS decision in Carson v. Makin which marks the first time the Court holds that a State must – not may – pay for religious education as part of a tuition program meant to provide free public education for all.
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ADL Resource: Carson v. Makin
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It's inexcusable and dangerous to single out organizations in the Jewish community and claim they're working in concert to promote a sinister agenda. This is #antisemitism. We must #ScrapTheMap. Learn more about the BDS Boston-endorsed “Mapping Project”
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The #SCOTUS decision striking down a gun safety law in NY is deeply disturbing. Our research shows guns are violent extremists' weapon of choice, enabling horrific mass casualty attacks. Policymakers must be able to enact strong gun laws to protect our communities…
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Election workers Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman are heroes on the front lines of our democracy - who never should have had to experience this vile, racist hatred. There must be accountability. #January6thHearings
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Children's LGBTQ Pride event at library disrupted by demonstrators, police respond (Wilmington Star-News, NC)
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BDS-promoted mapping project is antisemitic and must be condemned (Boston Globe -- Robert Trestan interviewed)
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Third round of anti-Semitic materials found along North Shore, police departments working together (Chicago Tribune)
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Sharon Nazarian on leaving the ADL after five years advocating internationally against hate (eJewish Philanthropy)
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One Year On: Marking Progress on Biden’s Counter-Domestic Terrorism Strategy (Just Security -- Ryan Greer op-ed)
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Red Table Talk Episode Addresses White Supremacy-Fueled Hate Crimes: 'Something Is Not Normal' (People Magazine -- Oren Segal interviewed)
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