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Dr. Hansen just asked me to follow-up with you, Taxpayer.
See below.
Giving Tuesday ends in just a few hours.
Rush any gift before 11:59pm and it will be instantly matched:
Becomes $20 on Giving Tuesday!
Becomes $50 on Giving Tuesday!
Becomes $100 on Giving Tuesday!
Becomes $200 on Giving Tuesday!
We get double, no matter how much you give!
Dr. Hansen wants to know if you’re in. Please let him know by midnight.
–Justin Goodman
Taxpayer, please help us block the payout, end the abuse, and free the NIH beagles! Rush an emergency donation by 11:59pm and your gift will
Secure link: whitecoatwaste.org/Rapid-Response 🔐
________________ Justin Goodman Vice President
White Coat Waste Project
Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $15 billion+ for wasteful government animal
On Tuesday, December 3, at 7:45 AM, Dr. Lawrence Hansen wrote: 
Taxpayer, we have an emergency situation on
our hands.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) — the world's largest funder of painful animal experiments —
just purchased a new batch of beagles... and we caught them RED-HANDED:
The NIH just bought a new batch of beagle puppies for
$11,075. They will be tortured to death if we don't cover our Rapid Response Fund. EMERGENCY DEADLINE: Taxpayer, unless you take immediate action, these NIH
beagles will be slaughtered in a government basement.
Taxpayer, these so-called "purpose-bred" puppies were
literally born to become government lab specimens.
NIH "White Coats" bought them from a greedy profiteer who rakes in millions
of dollars breeding and selling puppies for one main purpose: taxpayer-funded animal experimentation. - Doomed beagles spend their
entire lives in tiny cages. They're even forced to go the bathroom in them.
- Puppies develop
throbbing sores on their little paws from standing on the wire floors too long.
- Their vocal cords are sometimes
ripped out. Bureaucrats just don't feel like listening to hounds whimper in pain.
- Beagle puppies are even
deprived of food and water so they can be easily manipulated by NIH "White Coats."
And Taxpayer, all that
is BEFORE the puppies even arrive at NIH's torture chamber!
If we don't take action right now, here's what's coming
next: - PNEUMONIA: the government will pump deadly bacteria directly into their teeny
- BLOOD POISONING: the NIH beagles will suffer from a massive sepsis
infection. The severity of their symptoms is rated using a "lung injury score."
BE SLAUGHTERED: after 96 agonizing hours, each survivor is executed and thrown away.
In a few days NIH will renew funds for more beagle
torture. To block the payout, we must cover our Rapid Response Fund by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. Taxpayer, I guess you’re probably wondering how I know these awful details.
Well, I’m ashamed to admit it, but I once participated in painful experiments on dogs... abuse you
wouldn’t wish on your WORST ENEMY!
My name is Dr. Larry Hansen. I'm a board-certified pathologist. I'm
involved with treating patients suffering from tumors, Parkinson's disease, and other neurologic diseases.
I'm also ranked as
one of the top 100 Alzheimer's disease researchers worldwide, with over 160 publications in the last 30 years.
As a medical
student, I was instructed to vivisect (from the Latin, "vivi" — meaning, alive, and "secare" — i.e.
to cut) and then kill friendly dogs, including a Golden Retriever and a black Labrador Retriever.
Week after week, we performed
inept and painful procedures on this innocent black lab (bungled mutilations, really) — over and over and over again.
When she couldn’t take it
anymore, we stuck a needle in her, killed her, and dumped her body in a garbage bag.
Taxpayer, I didn't have the
strength of character stand up to my professors back then.
But after 40 years of practicing medicine, I'm determined to
speak up now!
Don't let this happen to the NIH's new puppies!
All Giving Tuesday gifts will be DOUBLED. Taxpayer, today is Giving
Tuesday and I'm sounding the alarm because I refuse to let history repeat itself for the NIH beagles!
IN JUST A FEW DAYS: NIH is about to renew funds for even more
beagle torture. Our new Rapid Response Fund could block the grant, end the experiments, and free the puppies!
Taxpayer, make no mistake: these NIH beagles were purposefully bred to love and trust the very government bureaucrats who torture them to advance
their careers.
This isn't "science." It's a shameful betrayal of a 10,000-year-old bond built upon mutual love and
Taxpayer, as a scientist, I can
assure you: the most effective way to end an experiment is to stop the tax funding before it's renewed... and this is our best chance to do it.
Today is Giving Tuesday so
I've teamed up with the White Coat Waste Project to launch a Rapid Response Fund. Will you join us?
A generous team
of philanthropists has also committed $200,000 for our mission and agreed to double every dollar you rush before 11:59 PM!
Taxpayer, just think: when your gift is matched, we could raise up to $400,000 for more investigations,
advertising, and lobbying. It's a Giving Tuesday game-changer!
We have a golden opportunity — but
EXTREMELY SHORT DEADLINE — to save the NIH puppies before they're tortured to death.
Taxpayer, I didn't have
the character to stand up for these puppies when I abused and killed them in medical school.
It's an ethical failing I can't
That's why I'm rushing a special gift of penance on this Giving Tuesday... and you should too.
Let's get this done,  Larry Hansen, M.D. Advisory Board White Coat Waste Project P.S. GIVING TUESDAY: I once participated in painful dog experiments. NEVER AGAIN! On Giving Tuesday,
I refuse to let it happen to the NIH's new
batch of beagles. That's why this new Rapid Response Fund is personal to me. Don't forget, all donations will be DOUBLED before 11:59
PM. Will you join me? – Thanks, Dr. Hansen.
To stop taxpayer-funded animal tests, we must first stop the $15 billion+ in wasteful government
We find, expose, and de-fund wasteful government spending on animal experiments. To change public policy, we unite liberty lovers and animal
lovers with hard-hitting investigations and public policy campaigns.
| PO Box 26029 Washington, DC 20001
White Coat Waste Project is a 501(c)(3) bipartisan coalition.
Contributions are tax-deductible.
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The White Coat Waste Project, INC. EIN 46-0856543