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Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Health Affairs September 2019


Much attention is focused these days on the relatively poor health outcomes and heightened rate of socioeconomic disadvantage of rural America. The December issue of Health Affairs explores many dimensions of health and health care for the one out of five Americans who live in what the US Census Bureau defines as a rural area.

The December issue of Health Affairs was supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The Colorado Health Foundation, the Episcopal Health Foundation, the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust, Con Alma Health Foundation, Empire Health Foundation, The John A. Hartford Foundation, the California Health Care Foundation, and St. David’s Foundation.

Read the December 2019 table of contents and listen to a two-minute introduction of the issue from Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil.
HA December issue, Rural Health, Datagraphic
Order this month's issue!

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The December 2019 issue of Health Affairs explores various dimensions of health and health care in rural America. Authors examine the health needs of people living in rural areas; investigate inequities in the availability, accessibility, and financing of care; and identify policies, financing mechanisms, and practices that can improve the health and well-being of rural Americans. View Speaker List

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Beyond The Firewall: Pathways To Affordable Health Coverage For Low-Income Workers
By Tara Straw

Compared to middle- and upper-income employees, low-income workers are often offered less robust coverage, get less employer help with their premiums, and must pay a greater share of their income toward health care costs. Read More >>

A CLOSER LOOK—Health Care Jobs

Health care jobs are projected to continue to grow far faster than other jobs in the general economy. This Health Affairs Blog post from 2018 explains why.

About Health Affairs

Health Affairs is the leading peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of health, health care, and policy. Published monthly by Project HOPE, the journal is available in print and online. Late-breaking content is also found through, Health Affairs Today, and Health Affairs Sunday Update.  

Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

Copyright © Project HOPE: The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Health Affairs, 7500 Old Georgetown Road, Suite 600, Bethesda, MD 20814, United States

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