The Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition, a project of Fresh Energy, is growing its team! Learn more about job opportunities here. 
New Buildings department aims for deeper decarbonization
Encompassing Fresh Energy's work on energy performance, electrification, and gas decarbonization, our new Buildings department builds on Fresh Energy's legacy.
Carrying on Together: A reflection two years after the murder of George Floyd
Janiece Watts, director of culture and partnerships at Fresh Energy, reflects on how we must join together to create a just and livable society.
Put your best foot forward
Donate $50 by July 31 and snag your very own pair of our wool, limited-edition, clean energy socks! Thanks to a generous donor, all gifts will be matched so your contribution is doubled.
Photo/Fabrice Florin (CC BY-SA 2.0)
ECO Act Update: One year of progress with even more to come
Implementation of the ECO Act is underway! Let’s take a look at the four biggest things that have happened so far, and what’s still to come.
Fresh Frolic: An all-electric party at Malcolm Yards
Sip, savor, and be social! Celebrate summer and all-things electric with Fresh Energy on August 24. Space is limited and registration is required—sign up today!
"Level" up your EV acumen and get the scoop on the types of EV charging, their use cases, and what's next for DC Fast Charging in Minnesota.
Photo/ZEF Energy
Register to join Fresh Energy with artists, researchers, authors, and educators to discuss how energy and climate issues play out across our society. RSVP for our free, four-part webinar series and join us when you can!
Julia Olmstead and Caitlin Eichten are new to Fresh Energy and bring a wealth of expertise to their respective teams. Get to know Julia and Caitlin!
Xcel's Integrated Distribution Plan (IDP) includes grid investments, stakeholder engagement, resiliency hubs, and more. Learn more about the IDP and what we're excited about!
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