From Center for Western Priorities <>
Subject Look West: When it comes to Biden’s nominees, Joe Manchin has a problem with women
Date June 23, 2022 1:40 PM
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Look West: Public lands and energy news from the Center for Western Priorities

** When it comes to Biden’s nominees, Joe Manchin has a problem with women
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Senator Joe Manchin, W ([link removed]) ikimedia Commons ([link removed](35123156265).jpg)

This week marks one year ([link removed]) since President Biden nominated Laura Daniel-Davis to serve as the Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Land and Minerals Management, a crucial position that oversees oil and gas drilling as well as mining on America’s public lands. Unfortunately, she is the latest in a series of highly-qualified ([link removed]) women to have their nominations delayed or killed entirely by Sen. Joe Manchin, the chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee.

As CWP's Aaron Weiss ([link removed]) points out ([link removed]) , this pattern has played out from the very beginning of the Biden administration, when Manchin opposed the nomination ([link removed]) of Elizabeth Klein for Deputy Secretary of the Interior, followed by Neera Tanden for the Office of Management and Budget, and Cynthia “Winnie” Stachelberg for Interior’s Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management, and Budget.

While Manchin insisted it was inappropriate to play politics with President Trump’s nominees, he has repeatedly played politics with President Biden’s female nominees, especially Laura Daniel-Davis. One year after she was first nominated, Manchin is still holding her nomination ([link removed]) , refusing to give her a vote ([link removed]) in committee until the Biden administration provides “clarity” on its oil and gas leasing plans.

It remains to be seen whether Manchin will finally give her the deference he showed to so many of President Trump’s nominees, or if he’ll continue his double standard when it comes to delaying action on highly-qualified women nominated by the Biden administration.
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