Hi Friend,

It is an important day: the 50th anniversary of Title IX, landmark legislation passed by Congress in 1972 that transformed sports. Title IX increased and guaranteed opportunities for female athletes. Yet today, it’s under attack. 

The administration is expected to announce new Title IX rules today that will redefine ‘sex’ to include ‘gender’ and ‘gender identity’, effectively removing protections for women and girls in athletics. 

We have organized a huge lineup of speakers gathering in Washington, D.C. at the Our Bodies, Our Sports Rally to speak up and demand that the administration preserves single-sex athletic competition.
At the rally, current and former athletes, Olympians, coaches, and parents will speak about their experiences mere steps from the White House and Capitol.
Like Riley Gaines, a former University of Kentucky swimmer who competed against Lia Thomas at the NCAA Championships and tied Thomas for 5th-place. When it was time to stand on the podium, race officials let Thomas hold the 5th-place trophy. Riley was forced to hold the 6th-place trophy. 

And like Taylor Silverman, an ameteur skateboarder who lost to a male in the Red Bull Cornerstone Contest this past December in the women’s division. When she reached out to Red Bull to voice her concerns, she was ignored.
WATCH @ 11 A.M. ET
We must ensure that the administration and lawmakers hear our message loud and clear: Keep women’s sports FEMALE

Click here to watch the livestream and be one of the thousands of people advocating for the protection of women’s sports.
Thank you for being a part of this important day. Whether you’re at home or in D.C., we’re glad to have you fighting for the protections of single-sex athletics alongside us.

Victoria Coley