plus corporate woke-ism and Kamala the victim No images? Click here Good morning! Here's a rundown on some hot topics on CaucusRoom.Viva la revoluciónVictor Davis Hanson believes we are in a revolutionary period, and has some warnings for what could be ahead. Liberal activists pretending to be journalistsSeveral legacy media talking heads are urging voters to not let the astronomical gas prices effect their vote. Spoiler: it will have a huge effect! Planning the next pandemicBiden wants a lot of money for pandemic response. The only issue is that it's not for the current pandemic! Kamala is alway the victimJoy Reid is once again blaming "white and male media" for Vice President Harris' poor approval ratings. Hey Joy, it may be that Kamala is just that bad. "Coming out" against woke-ism Jon is really tired of the virtue-signaling, and expresses it beautifully in this op-ed! The old switcher-ooDid Dr. Oz fool everyone in to believing he is an "America First" patriot? He has removed most references to President Trump from his campaign site. Fox in the hen house? Your Funny of the Day!
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