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The Case Against Donald Trump 2024

Kurt Schlichter

Think America's Gotten Bad Under Biden? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.

Spencer Brown

Democrats Fail To Get People To Care

Derek Hunter

WaPo Tells the Poors to Get Over It, Biden's New Thought Police, and a Criminal Jacuzzi

Brad Slager

Why the Left Will Cut Biden Loose

Victor Davis Hanson

They've Learned Nothing and Forgotten Nothing

Ann Coulter

Biden Lets in 1 Million Illegal Border Crossings -- Maybe 2 Million

Byron York

Random Satire

Larry Elder

Clarence Thomas and Rep. Steve Scalise After the Pandemic

Emmett Tyrrell

We Have More Brutal Evidence That Exposes Kamala Harris' Extreme Unpopularity

Matt Vespa

Trump Has an Idea About How to Find SCOTUS Leaker

Rebecca Downs

Republicans Call on Biden to Visit His 'Biden Cages' at the Border

Sarah Arnold

The Corrupt and Incompetent FBI Got a Payday From Backstabbing GOP in This Anti-Gun Bill

Matt Vespa

Sen. Kennedy Grills Into Fed Chair Over Inflation: 'We Got a Hell of a Mess'

Sarah Arnold

Democratic Lawmakers Share Abortion Experiences Ahead of SCOTUS Decision on Roe

Madeline Leesman

Dr. Oz Ousts Trump from Campaign Site Amid Big Political Win

Sarah Arnold

The Baltic Noose The Kremlin Fears

Austin Bay

How the US Can Regain Energy Independence, Create Jobs, and Lower Prices at the Pump

Congressman Gus Bilirakis

Populist Gubernatorial Candidate Sets Fix on Solving New York Crime Problem

Brian Pfail

The Inconvenient Truth About COVID-19 Relief Scandals

Veronique de Rugy

The Failed Legacy of Johnson's 'Great Society'

Laura Hollis

SCOTUS Again Upholds Double Prosecution and Punishment for the Same Crime

Jacob Sullum

Now's the Time for Financial Literacy

Jackie Gingrich Cushman

Joe Biden’s Shameful Plan to Import More Illegal Aliens Into America

Dale Wilcox

Will Biden Punish the Saudi Pariah or Embrace a Saudi Partner

Jonathan Feldstein

Violence in the Name of 'Jane’s Revenge'

Jerry Newcombe

The EU, Desperate To Please Their Constituents, Is Ready To Send Them off to Battle

Armstrong Williams

Skirting the Issue

Cal Thomas

CNN Doesn't Buy Biden's Latest Attempt to Lower Gas Prices

Julio Rosas

House Democrats Continue to Block GOP Bill to Keep Title 42 In Place

Julio Rosas

Biden's New Gas Tax Plan Will Backfire on Him for One Big Reason

Spencer Brown

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Author Stephen Hunter makes valid point about guns |
A Massachusetts town is taking anti-gun nuttery to a whole new level |
Senate deal finally a bill. Is it as bad as we thought? |
New Jersey prepares for post-Bruen gun law changes |
"Sovereign citizens" arrested in CA with guns, explosives |
Texas mayors demand special legislative session on guns |