Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse praises CCL at conference
At CCL’s June conference this past week, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) praised CCL’s advocacy work in his reception speech, while also providing an update to the reconciliation process. The senator, who has spearheaded climate efforts in the Senate, stated that he believed that reconciliation is still alive, and gave an update regarding carbon border adjustment mechanisms. “There are gonna be a lot of widget companies that are moving to the United States of America because we are cleaner than other manufacturers. And that will be a bigger economic lift for us than the penalty of the tariffs. We win from the EU CBAM even if we don't step up with a tariff of our own. And if we step up with a tariff of our own with a carbon border adjustment of our own, now it's a really big win,” he said. Senator Whitehouse then went on to praise the efforts of CCL. “We would not be in this position if you hadn't come to Washington, and called, and emailed, and done all the work that you did to put life and energy into carbon pricing and carbon border adjustment; you did that. No group worked harder.” You can read or watch Senator Whitehouse’s speech on the CCL blog.
In other news this week: • CCL announces future policy objectives: CCL Executive Director Madeleine Para announced the future policy objectives of CCL at our June 2022 conference. These future policy objectives consist of building the clean energy economy and pursuing nature-based solutions, starting with protecting and growing forests. You can read more about our upcoming policy goals and Madeleine’s speech here. • E&E News covers CCL policy updates: E&E News posted an article about CCL’s policy expansion on Tuesday morning. You can read highlights from that story on CCL Community here. • CCL celebrates Juneteenth: CCL is proud to celebrate Juneteenth and freedom for African Americans. You can see CCL’s posts about Juneteenth on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. |