Aaron Ford for Attorney General


When Clark County School District teachers got their first pay raise since 2015, Sigal Chattah – the Republican candidate for Nevada Attorney General – blasted the investment on Twitter and said it was time to “stop saying that teachers are underpaid.”

Chattah has no clue what it’s like to be a teacher – but I do. I started my career as an educator, teaching math to middle and high schoolers and leading extracurricular activities like the Diaspora Club, which was aimed at educating my students on African American history and culture. 

Working as a teacher is one of the things on my resume that I’m proudest of, but I know how thankless the job can be. So for the Republican nominee to begrudge any Nevada teacher a living salary is unthinkable to me.

If you agree that teachers are heroes and deserve our respect — and a living wage, please add your name here to show Sigal Chattah the grassroots support behind our educators here in Nevada.


