$1 per kitten
Taxpayer, is this kitten’s life worth just $1?

According to one federal agency, the answer is YES (more on that below.)
So with that in mind, it’s not surprising that after a life of pain and misery, white coats at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) choose to slaughter lab survivors like Petite rather than release them to loving homes.
Well Taxpayer, we believe that retirement shouldn’t be a choice. It should be a requirement. And that’s precisely why we launched this new taxpayer petition.
Will you please add your name before the deadline tonight?
Tanner Wilson
Deputy Creative Director
White Coat Waste Project
I, Taxpayer, call on Congress to make the CDC create a policy that allows taxpayers and sanctuaries to adopt lab survivors.

Taxpayer, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) REFUSES to create a retirement policy for lab animal survivors.
Instead of adopting out lab animal survivors to a loving home, lazy CDC white coats prefer to kill them. It’s just more convenient.
Sign Petition: Demand the CDC to create a retirement policy for lab animal survivors RIGHT NOW.

Taxpayer, the need to make retirement a requirement at the CDC is more urgent than ever.
Documents obtained via a White Coat Waste Project (WCW) investigation show that CDC white coats abused thousands of dogs, monkeys, rabbits, and other animals in taxpayer-funded experiments last year. In some cases, pain relief is completely withheld.
We also discovered that last year, they began conducting painful experiments on cats again – after years of not doing so.
Rest assured Taxpayer, our investigators have submitted a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to find out exactly what the CDC’s white coats are doing to cats… so we can expose and defund the abuse as soon as possible.
But in the meantime, we must ensure the CDC implements an official lab animal retirement policy so that survivors are given the second chance they deserve, in a loving home or sanctuary – not an incinerator!
Taxpayer, taxpayers bought these animals. Add your signature to WCW’s taxpayer petition to make the CDC #GiveThemBack!

Before WCW launched our #GiveThemBack initiative in July 2018, zero government labs had retirement policies.
Lab survivors across the federal government were either shipped to a new lab for more torture or slaughtered and thrown away – like trash.
But with the help of persistent advocates like you, WCW has secured retirement policies at the National Institutes of Health, the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, and the Food and Drug Administration.
But the CDC still hasn’t joined these other agencies in making adoption an option for lab survivors, despite telling Congress they were considering it.
The CDC’s white coats have made it clear: they will NEVER give lab survivors a second chance at life… that is, unless taxpayers like you make them.

Taxpayer, I can’t stress enough how important these retirement policies are.
You may recall that WCW recently obtained records revealing that after we shut down the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) “Kitten Slaughterhouse” lab in 2019, the survivors had to be sold as “excess property” for $1 each, no different than a stapler, paper clips, or rolls of tape.
The USDA did this because it does not have a policy allowing lab animal retirement.
It was lucky that Petite and Delilah (pictured above) were sold instead of killed. But most other government lab survivors aren’t so fortunate.
That’s why your petition signature today is so important: The sooner the CDC is legally required to retire animals after testing, the more cats, dogs, and monkeys we can guarantee happy lives outside the lab.
Please don’t waste time. Add your name right now!

MaryAnn Hussey
Marketing Associate
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Our most recent polling results indicate that 71% of taxpayers want the CDC to create a retirement policy. But for Congress to take action, we must prove to them that statistic is accurate. That’s why your signature TODAY is so important!
DEADLINE TO SIGN: Please sign this petition, which we will deliver to your Members of Congress on Wednesday, June 22nd, to demand that the CDC retire its lab survivors to the taxpayers who paid for them!
Stop the money.
Stop the madness.