June 22, 2022 We wanted to make sure you saw this. We can bring legalization to millions of more Americans, but we need the resources required to win. Read the message below from our Board Chair Rick Steves and join us in this battle for justice and civil liberties. For a limited time, Rick will match you dollar for dollar on every donation you make. Let's get this done.
Dear John (who cares deeply about civil liberties),
This is shaping up to be a momentous year in our fight to end marijuana prohibition. We’re primed to legalize in several more states. But we need everyone who cares about this issue to help out. That’s why I’m dedicating eight days of my time to the campaign trail this election season. And to make the most of this exciting opportunity, I’d like to challenge you to help out with a donation to NORML, which I’ll match, dollar-to-dollar, up to $100,000.
For decades, NORML has doggedly and effectively fought to legalize an important civil liberty: the adult recreational use of marijuana. To help accomplish that goal, I’ve served on NORML’s board for many years. And after legalizing in my state of Washington back in 2012, I’ve spent the last five election seasons campaigning around the country for legalization ballot initiatives, from Oregon and Arizona to Michigan and New Jersey. So far, we’ve won in nearly every state we’ve contested. The majority of the American public is with us… we just need to smartly make our point to win at the ballot box. And that takes hard work and money.
With our help this fall, several states will very likely be voting to legalize marijuana, including Maryland, Missouri, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Oklahoma. This is a huge opportunity for us.
Unfortunately, our successes have put our opponents on high alert. They know they’re losing, but they keep fighting. Prohibitionist groups across the country are fundraising and spending money in an effort to defeat pro-marijuana ballot initiatives as well as our allies in Congress who support these initiatives. These regressive and reactionary forces are working to roll back civil liberties across our country. And I can’t just stand by.
So, I’m putting my money where my heart is. And we need your help, too.
Here’s the deal: I’ll match all donations up to $100,000—so your donation to NORML will have double the impact in our fight to take the crime out of the marijuana equation. If you can help out, I know we can pass legalization in several more states this fall.
And that’s not all! If you send NORML a donation of $100 or more, I’ll personally send you a copy of my newest book, On the Hippie Trail. (It’s a 180-page journal, not yet available in stores, of my 1978 trip from Istanbul to Kathmandu when I was just 23 years old. Along with lots of non-cannabis adventures, it chronicles the first time I enjoyed getting high in Afghanistan…and lots of fun that ensued from there to Kathmandu.)
We’ve accomplished so much together already; let’s not stop now. I’m ready to invest in our fight to end the prohibition of our age. How about you? Please join us.
Rick Steves
NORML Board Chair
