News & Updates for JUNE 2022
The Audiobook is NOW...Online!
It’s read by grassroots, veteran organizers, movement strategists and thought leaders from across climate and environmental justice movements.
You can download the complete English Audiobook of Hoodwinked in the Hothouse as one track, so you can download and keep the whole book with you wherever you are. In addition, we have created separate tracks of each chapter so you can choose your adventure.
You can download the full Audiobook (mp3) or find it on Soundcloud. We also created an illustrated version on YouTube!
The Audiobook is free and copyleft. We encourage spontaneous sharing, podcasting, broadcasting and amplifying!!
EXCERPTS From the Frontline: KXL Canceled and Moving Forward by Joye Braun
We woke up to the news that TC Energy had officially terminated the Keystone XL project. I was like, is this for real? Since 2010 this project has been at heart of all the fights against big oil I have been a part of. I started out just wanting to protect land, our women and children from man camps, to protect the water, our unique medicines, and to protect the sovereignty of our tribe to say no, we don't want this project. It has shaped me, taught me much in organizing, an i made friends with people I would never have mingled with otherwise. Lasting friendships crossing racial, social, state and yes even party lines.
President Biden on his inauguration day canceled the international border crossing of the KXL pipeline effectively stalling construction. Over the next year and a half TC Energy started to pull ipe out of yards, and returned permits in states like South Dakota, however less visible areas like built pump stations or the border crossing itself were left untouched. We waited to se if the company would finally say they were terminating the project.
The GOP continued to play kickball with the idea of KXL using it as a political hot potato togarner support for their continued agena to rape and pillage Mother Earth. Senator Manchin traveled to the tar sands this year to try and revive it and when the Ukraine war broke out that was just another excuse to push their rhetoric for big oil. Gas prices have risen and again the blame on Ukraine and pushing KXL. It's all smoke and mirrors. READ MORE
"It's clear that KXL, the war in Ukraine, and climate disasters have zero influence on the reality of big oil holding hostage the American citizen’s pocket book."
I'm glad that KXL has officially been terminated. It marks the end of one heck of a fight. TC Energy however continues to threaten Indigenous homelands and territories with the Trans-mountain pipeline and the expansion of the GTN Xpress fracked gas pipeline.
"We must continue to stay vigilant to TC Energy and other companies that threaten our homelands, Earth Mother, our waters, and further exacerbate the climate crisis."
There's more to read click here!
Joye Braun, National Pipelines Organizer, Indigenous Environmental Network
Climate Justice Groups Slam California Climate Plan Ahead of Hearing
Groups demand Gov. Newsom, Air Resources Board lead rapid transition off fossil fuels to protect communities and climate.
Sacramento, CA – Over 150 organizations representing hundreds of thousands of members sent a letter to Gov. Gavin Newsom and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) slamming the agency’s proposed 2022 Draft Scoping Plan as wholly inadequate. The groups say the climate blueprint falls far short of the breadth and urgency needed to confront the climate and environmental justice crises. CARB will host a hearing to discuss the plan on June 23. The letter’s ambitious but achievable demands include:
- Reach near-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2035;
- Phase out oil and gas production and transition to 100% clean, renewable electricity by 2030;
- Require all new car sales to be 100% electric vehicles by 2030 and scale up clean public transit;
- Reject industry distractions like carbon capture, hydrogen, dirty bioenergy and carbon trading;
- Prioritize direct emissions reductions that support immediate relief for overburdened communities of color and Indigenous Peoples and abandon carbon offset programs that lead to more pollution.
In its current form, the 2022 Draft Scoping Plan sets a vague and misleading target of ‘carbon neutrality’ by 2045, allowing the fossil fuel industry to keep polluting and failing to slash emissions at the scale and pace that the climate crisis demands. The plan relies heavily on carbon trading and offset programs like the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS), criticized by grassroots and environmental justice organizations for its use of public funds to bankroll emissions-heavy bioenergy projects in low-income communities. Read more.
We have started our community garden Facebook page!
Join us here: IEN Teaching Garden Keep an eye out for upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and more! 
Photo: small ant on a chive flower.
Across the Midwest, an ‘unlikely alliance’ forms to stop carbon pipelines
 [Eminent Domain] doesn’t sit well with many landowners along the pipeline’s route. In town hall meetings and public hearings over the past few months, a growing number of people have come out against the proposal and potential legal tactic, complicating Summit’s plans to build the largest carbon dioxide pipeline network in the country.
Opposition to the project – and other recently proposed carbon pipelines – is nothing new. Residents and activists have raised concerns about safety hazards, a sentiment echoed in May by the Biden administration. Environmental groups, meanwhile, have pointed out the dubious climate benefits of carbon pipelines and resulting carbon capture and storage, or CCS, saying it will lock in additional fossil fuel use and divert resources from the transition to renewable energy. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE at GRIST
Federal government abandons safety assessments and transparency for new gene-edited foods READ MORE
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