
My bipartisan agriculture consolidation bills just passed out of committee — and now I need your help to ensure they get a fair shake in the full Senate.

It’s beyond time that the Senate steps up to protect small ranchers across rural America. My bills support family ranchers and combat high food prices by tackling monopolies in the agriculture industry. 

As the only working farmer in the U.S. Senate, this is an issue that I know all too well — but it also affects folks like me across the country who want to pass the family ranch down to their kids, but are burdened by rising prices because of a lack of fair competition. 

And it’s not just ranchers, either. Across the country, hard-working Americans are feeling the effects of consolidation in the agriculture industry every time they visit the grocery store. At a time when millions of Americans are facing food insecurity, rising meat costs can be the difference between getting food on the table at the end of the night or being able to pay the bills. 

This isn’t the way our economy is supposed to work, and passing these two bipartisan bills is a good first step to make life easier for millions of folks across the country. 

If you’re with me in my efforts to protect small businesses and American consumers from unfair consolidation, please add your name to tell my Senate colleagues to pass these bills without delay.


Thanks for your help. I appreciate you. 

– Jon