This is big, John. Last night, the Senate released bipartisan legislation to keep our schools and communities safe from gun violence. They could hold a vote on the package as early as this week!

We are closer than we have been in 30 years to seeing real federal action to address gun violence. But now that the bill has been released the gun lobby is stepping up its opposition. They are determined to do anything and everything they can to stop the bill in its tracks.

This package is far from the comprehensive action we need to address the gun violence epidemic, but it will save lives and it will break the logjam in Congress, paving the way for more progress.

We can’t let this historic opportunity pass us by. Our movement has made this progress possible. We have refused to accept the toll of gun violence as inevitable. And we have tirelessly demanded action from our elected leaders. Now we have to make sure they know that we expect them to finish the job. Contact your Senators today and urge them to vote YES to keep our schools and communities safe.

Thank you for fighting alongside us.

– Dylan (he/him)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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