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Editor's Note:

Just when we thought the Critical Race Theory movement might have been stalled, there is a new bill in Congress that could institutionalize CRT into civics education. The "Civics Secures Democracy Act" (CSDA) has been reintroduced in the hopes that it will pass before the August recess. As Stanley Kurtz explains, this is trojan horse legislation for a national civics curriculum that promises to develop student activists for far left causes — class credit for a BLM riot! The money to be dangled in front of state departments of education is huge, of course, so expecting them to turn it down is unrealistic. Something else that is unrealistic? Expecting elected Republicans in Washington to not fall for the propaganda. Activists must work to get this stopped. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
Bogus ‘Civics’ Bill Will Push CRT on States
June 22, 2022

The misleadingly named “Civics Secures Democracy Act” (CSDA) — just now reintroduced in Congress — will allow the Biden administration to push Critical Race Theory (CRT) on every public school in the country. Over a six-year period, this $6 billion pot of competitive grant money will create a de facto national curriculum — just like Common Core. States desperate to tap into the federal gravy train will have to tailor their civics and history grant proposals to the Biden administration’s liking. And abundant evidence shows that Biden’s Education Department is pushing CRT. So why are some Republican senators eager to help Biden spread CRT? I can’t think of a quicker way to devastate Republican enthusiasm just before the midterms.

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