Today is the beginning of Religious Freedom Week and we hope all Nebraskans can take some time to think about the importance of their faith and the freedom they have to practice as they see fit.
Since the very foundation of our state, we have enshrined the liberty of every Nebraskan to follow their conscience and practice their faith in accordance with their tradition. This is because we understand the importance of our religious values in our society:
“Religion, morality, and knowledge, however, being essential to good government, it shall be the duty of the Legislature to pass suitable laws to protect every religious denomination” - Nebraska Constitution Article 1-4
Unfortunately, the value of Religious Freedom is not appreciated today like it was at the beginning of our history and as a result many people of different faiths find themselves persecuted today on the basis of their traditional religious beliefs, in schools, the workforce, and even in day-to-day life.
This is why we as Nebraskans of faith need to take such a strong stand against the persecution of those with traditional religious values. Faith should not be a limiting factor in employment, education, or business and we will have to work together to ensure that religious faith and values continue to be protected in our state regardless of how traditional or unpopular they are.
Contribute here to defend religious freedom: