From Alyssa, Washington Conservation Voters <[email protected]>
Subject Reminder: Snake River Dinner Hour is TONIGHT!
Date June 22, 2022 2:45 PM
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Join us every fourth Wednesday of the month from 6-7 pm for the Snake River Dinner Hour

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Hi friend,

I wanted to make sure you saw our invitation from last week. Please join me for tonight's fifth in our free monthly Snake River Dinner Hour series, "How does dam removal affect orcas?" Read more below or register here. [[link removed]]

Tonight's guests include Julie Trimingham, filmmaker and communications strategist for Sacred Sea, Dr. Les Purce, Former co-chair of the Washington State Southern Resident Orca Task Force, former President of The Evergreen State College, Dr. Deborah Giles, Science and Research Director for Wild Orca, a nonprofit organization, Dr. Rob Williams, Chief Scientist at the Oceans Initiative, Abbie Abramovich, Grassroots Coordinator, Idaho Conservation League.

For more information and to register, click here. [[link removed]]

In gratitude,

Alyssa Macy, CEO


June is Orca Action Month in the Pacific Northwest and you are invited to an exciting (and free!) webinar series Washington Environmental Council and Washington Conservation Voters is hosting alongside American Rivers, Idaho Conservation League, and Sierra Club.

Snake River Dinner Hour webinars are a great way to hear from experts from the Northwest about the lower Snake River dams, why salmon are on the line, and how we’re going to stop salmon extinction. Through these conversations about the largest river restoration opportunity in history, we learn more about the connection between Snake River salmon, the Southern resident orca population of the Salish Sea, and the solutions we can find together to #StopSalmonExtinction if we have the courage to have the conversation.

Join us as we celebrate Orca Action Month on Wednesday, June 22 from 6 to 7pm for the Snake River Dinner Hour: How does dam removal affect orcas? [[link removed]] We look forward to hearing from an orca scientist and researcher, a fisheries biologist, a Tribal member, and policy experts about how the loss of salmon impacts orcas, and how we can stop extinction.

Register here [[link removed]]

Learn more about the webinar at our June 22 Facebook event here. [[link removed]]

Join us every fourth Wednesday of the month from 6-7 pm (Pacific Time) for the Snake River Dinner Hour: Recipes to save salmon and solutions to support Northwest communities.

Register for upcoming webinars!

7/27 How do we #StopSalmonExtinction?

Click Here to Register [[link removed]]

Did you miss our previous webinars? View the recordings on our YouTube channel [[link removed]].

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