Hello John,

This past weekend was the Idaho Democratic Convention in Boise, Idaho. I had the honor of addressing the audience just before our keynote speaker, Senator Doug Jones, was introduced. Every time I am on a stage like that addressing a crowded room, I can't help but feel gratitude for everyone that has helped get us to where we are.

The theme of my speech was that as we face the challenges that are ahead, patience and persistence are no longer enough. The challenges that we face require us to be RELENTLESS. We simply can't give up and we can't give anymore ground. To be this RELENTLESS you need to find your WHY. And not just any WHY. It must be the WHY that chokes you up. When you think about it you find yourself with no other option except to move forward. When you are RELENTLESS you don't give up.

If you struggle to find that kind of WHY, there were several examples in my speech. There is a recording of it here. I encourage you to watch and share with your friends. When we all can find our WHY and be RELENTLESS, then we have a real shot at this. Thank you for your continued support.