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Vote Smarter!

14th District: Now's the time!


john, One week from today, voters in Illinois' 14th Congressional District will decide who our Republican nominee will be.

Send me, and we'll defeat Lauren Underwood!

I've been all around the district sharing with people my message that "Who we send to Congress MATTERS!" Only a REAL, (not fake) conservative, can represent this district and defeat the radical we have now, representing Joe Biden, instead of us.

I live in the district with my wife Jill. The voters here know me. They know I'll stand with them, shoulder to shoulder, for what's right - just as I have always done - and will continue to do in Congress.

No RINO will defend your rights...but I will...always.

I will protect your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights and your medical freedom. I'll stand for parental rights in education and for secure borders, legal (only) immigration and energy independence. I will always advocate to protect the lives of the unborn and encourage adoption over abortion. I'll advocate for law enforcement over the crime-raising policies of the left.

I'll make America safer, more prosperous and free. That's my promise.

You and I have to live within our means. So should our government. I'll promote pro-growth polices, free markets and smart trade. With the right leadership, we can stop inflation and I'll be working around the clock to reduce the size and scope of government, lowering taxes, cutting costs and fighting waste, fraud and abuse.

Election integrity is another priority. We need transparency and accountability in our voting systems and public trust needs to be restored.

Change is coming in the 14th District, starting with us and this Primary!

I am the one candidate in the race prepared and ready to defeat Lauren Underwood. The one-party rule in Illinois is only made worse by sending people we can't trust to Congress. They'll sell us out for their own needs, agendas and ambitious political desires. I'll NEVER do that. I'm running to represent YOU!

It will be the honor of a lifetime to serve you in Congress.

My heartfelt appreciation goes out to all of you who donated, are knocking doors, have held meet & greets, put out signs, making calls and so much more. You are true American patriots! God bless you all!!

Please make sure you VOTE! And do all you can to get friends, family and neighbors to "Vote Smarter, Vote Marter for Congress!"

Let's win this!

Profile Image James Marter
Republican for Congress
[email protected]
(815) 585-8006 | #ReplaceUnderwood
Facebook Twitter YouTube

Endorsed - Experienced - Trusted - Fighter

A REAL Republican with grassroots strength and national recognition.


Hear Jim describe his plan for Illinois, including cutting taxes, ensuring energy independence and stopping the failed Biden agenda!

It's time for change in Washington, and Jim will be ready on day one!

(Click to view.)

See and Share the Marter Mailer!

  • 125+ Endorsements
  • Stand on the Issues
  • Record of Accomplishments
  • Contrast with Opponents
  • Even our Most Popular Commercial

Listen to my radio commercial that turned into this short video. It has been so effective, one opponent event stole the idea and tried to use it for his fundraising! I'll represent YOU in Congress, NOT Adam Kinzinger!

To UNSUBSCRIBE: - just send a BLANK email.



Marter for Congress Post Office Box 271 Oswego, Illinois 60543 United States (815) 585-8006