Take the Poll 📊 Should we force women into the draft?
Fellow Conservative,

The U.S.A. should not be forcing wives, mothers and daughters into combat through the military draft.

It’s wrong on so many levels, but the Senate Armed Services Committee has once again passed behind closed doors an amendment to draft our daughters in this year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).

Last year, I led the fight to kill this provision and if needed I will do so again this year!

What do you think? Should the military draft include young ladies? Vote in the poll >>

I have written a very clear and stern letter to the House Armed Services Committee that these political games and woke policies that threaten the fabric of our society will not be tolerated. Here are my main points:
  • This does not advance our national security objectives, which is the only metric we should use to measure the NDAA.
  • Men and women are different. Physical standard tests have continually proven that.
  • If a draft were to be called, mixing the sexes could lead to obvious problems and distractions at a time of national emergency.
  • We cannot trust the government to just make this a “symbolic” gesture–with a resurgent China and wide open border, who knows what chaos the next few decades will bring?
  • We cannot rely on calls to “abolish the draft” later. Congress can’t be trusted to follow through with its word. 
Do you agree with me? Please vote in the poll 📊:

Do you support including America’s daughters in the military draft?

This issue was settled last year and there’s absolutely no reason why it should be brought up again this year.

Since Congress is playing these games, I want to ensure the public remains engaged on this issue. During this election year, exposing this madness will be especially important. 

Please vote in the poll and share it with others online >>

Of course many women have fought bravely in our armed services and we commend them 100% for that. But that was their choice, and to have forced them into those situations would be barbaric.

It just goes to show that wokeness when pushed self-sabotages. I don't think forcing women into combat is what the suffragettes had in mind when they were talking about "women's rights."  

But alas, it's 2022 and common sense is hard to find!

For Liberty,

Chip Roy
Congressman TX-21

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