December 3, 2019
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Dear friends,

You have probably received, via mail or email, the Audubon Society of Northern Virginia’s year-end request for contributions. Many thanks to those of you who have responded. For those of you who have not yet made your decisions on charitable donations, please keep ASNV in mind. We rely on your generosity to support our goals in conservation, advocacy for the environment and wildlife, education programs and citizen science, including participation in the annual Christmas Bird Count, an important component of a nationwide bird census. Most of our work is done by dedicated volunteers, but we need your donations to support our programs.   
You can make your donation using PayPal, or send your check to Audubon Society Northern Virginia, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston, VA 20190.

Thank you, and best wishes for the holiday season!

Tom Blackburn, President

Copyright © 2019 Audubon Society of Northern Virginia, All rights reserved.
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Audubon Society of Northern Virginia
11100 Wildlife Center Drive
Ste. 100
Reston, VA 20190

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